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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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turkish military have carried out new artillery attacks against syria despite calls from damascus now to violate that songbird turkey had him earlier fired on the volatile state in retaliation to shelling from syria which killed five civilians is now considering whether to malta rise paul supporter of military operations in the area. the f.b.i. has charged the eleven people for acting in a secret agents for moscow allegedly selling millions worth of restricted technology to the russian military. power center plans a boost into its own budget at the expense of all scarily pressed states while in
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worse shape greece an increased number of families can't even afford to raise their children. in an online twenty four hours a day seven days a week this is r t with me karen tara well turkey's retaliation against syria isn't ending any time soon as the country's military has launched fresh artillery strikes against the war torn state got ahead earlier fired over the border in response to shelling from syria which killed five turkish civilians and as artie's middle east correspondent paula slayer reports the nato member state is taking steps toward starting a ground invasion. into the early hours of thursday morning turkey launched military fire against syrian targets this follows overnight operations in which the turkey
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military continued to fire on to the syrian side now the whole incident was sparked when a mortar bomb was fired from syria into turkey territory it hit a residential building killing five members of the same family and injuring another thirteen we don't yet have clear information as to who fired the motive we don't have exact information as to the extent of the turkish retaliate create actions but certainly this is intensifying and the situation on the ground we want to see even reports that a number of syrians have been killed by the turkish operations and what they do expect later today for this day is parliament overlake the decision whether or not to even wise course operations in the area if indeed they give this the nod what we will see is that the turkish military can operate freely now in the past the turkish military has moved into more than iraq to root out to their her dish militants and what some people are noticing is a parallel accident where you almost see now that syria is moving into countries to
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deal with rebel fighters there. wasted no time in going on the defensive it immediately contacted nato as well as the united nations of course this abominable act and has urged the international community for immediate action now on wednesday night an emergency meeting of nato was held in brussels the syrians did issue an apology they offered their condolences to the family and both sides have called for restraint at the same time we do expect that the turkish call for the united nations security council to meet immediately will be dealt with today what we're hearing from the turkish is that he needs to be immediate and urgent action to what they call syrian aggression so the situation on the ground quite fluid and remains to see to be seen what happens in the coming hours. let's get more on this latest escalation between turkey and syria with ken stone from the hamilton coalition to stop the war mr stone thanks for joining r t what do you make of turkey's reaction
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to the incident do you think it's justified. i think that the prime minister erred on may think he's a very clever and lobbying artillery shells over the border into syria but what he may actually be doing is shooting himself in the foot. by taking the provocative reaction to what happened to his border yesterday. mr everyone is moving toward a whole scale military intervention especially when he goes to nato to ask for a no fly zone and a humanitarian corridor over into syria what we've been witnessing in syria is a foreign backed insurgency in which turkey number of other countries known as the so-called friends of syria have been waging a undeclared war of insurgency for regime change in syria and turkey
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has not a lot to gain by being a while in such a war which could involve which could end up as a regional war involving a lot of damage to the syrian people the countryside its infrastructure its men and military and to its international reputation i'm sorry to interrupt you but what about the fact that turkey itself has launched raids into neighboring iraq to hunt down kurdish militants despite protests from baghdad why is it so different when syria targets rebels on turkish soil. the point here is that. taking military action by syria by with turkey i should say opens the pandora's box. kurdish demands for a separate state that the kurds say to themselves or certain kurdish parties say to themselves if the turkish government can act in syria to change the
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boundaries on the borders in the middle east. we too can demand the changing of the borders in syria as a clue to include the kurdish state. so this is the kind of blowback that mr airline gets when he rolls and sell in illegal military action across international borders that turkey or turkey or it for the rebels also begs the question why it's no secret that islamised are the driving force in the anti assad rebellion does turkey a secular state need an islamist regime on its border. the the the turks and all the other countries involved in this friends of syria and in this insurgency war in against syria really need to stop their militant their bellicose actions there is the united nations six point peace plan for syria which. which will bring about peace through negotiations dialogue and
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reconciliation i don't think anybody should be involved in trying to effect regime change in syria least of all the turks who are next door and would suffer the greatest blowback all right with the latest inside analysis that is ken stone from the hamilton coalition to stop the war thank you for your time you're welcome. while turkey turns to the world's most powerful bodies for consultation and considers whether to launch a cross border military operation moscow calls on the two sides to calm tempers more on that from artesian thomas. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov that spoke at a press conference in pakistan on the subject of syria and there he said he called on syrian and turkish authorities to establish open the lines of communication between the countries to deal with these mutual issues on their shared border as well as other issues like the flow of refugees from syria in to turkey. the
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syrians have assured us that it was a tragic accident and they will make sure it will not happen again we think it was very important for damascus to make this statement official. has said that the u.n. security council is usually quick to condemn elements of terrorism except when it comes to syria specifically in this i'm talking about more violence that happened this week in the city of aleppo which is near the border but not on the border in which there were at least four blasts and at least thirty people were killed and sergey lavrov is asking for the u.n. security council to condemn those actions as well are to manage to discuss the ongoing situation with iraqi prime minister nouri al maliki he says an overwhelming approval of the rebels by some international players instigates more violence and hampers peace efforts. dialogue will definitely take place as we're concerned about the syrian problem first of all the split in syria affects us the ongoing situation has repercussions on iraq we will discuss these issues with russia in
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order to decide what we have to do to make the existing initiatives all work that is the first arab league resolution of the guidelines of the geneva conference which go to prove that a military approach is in a political and arms supplies to the government forces as well as the opposition should be cut off we wanted to work unlike those perverted decisions approved during the foreign ministers meeting unfortunately a number of countries have been taken in these recommendations and keep supplying syria with weapons which worsens the situation. because you then where are the aftershocks the syrian civil war is sending to iraq and elsewhere r.t. dot com there you can also find analysis of first hand reports from syria and its neighboring states and share your views on the turmoil. us authorities have accused a group of employees of an electronics company of secretly working for moscow the american firm headed by a u.s.s.r.
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born businessman has allegedly spent the last four years funneling cutting edge military hardware out of the country to russia artie's tom barton has been closely watching the story. whilst the russian government considers this just a standard criminal case u.s. or storage fees used the foreign intelligence surveillance act in order to gain permission to start surveillance on the company are electronics indicating that they indeed consider it an espionage case the company involved on the russian side apex system sais that it only deals in electronic components for civilian use alexander fishing co the executive of the company in the us art electronics and ten others have been charged with illegal exporting of electronic components. bush and co himself has also been charged with operating in the us has an unregistered agent of the russian government illegal exporting according to the
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indictment began in two thousand and eight involving millions of dollars worth of tiny electronic components and according to the indictment and prosecutors they heard how the fishing co and his associates used a web of lies to try and of a us export controls including for example telling suppliers u.s. suppliers that components they were buying would be used in traffic lights when in fact they could be used in missiles guidance systems and others could be used for fishing when in fact they could be huge for antique submarine warfare u.s. prosecutors say that they have devastating evidence collected against those charged including reportedly a letter from a tree run by russia's federal security service the f.s.b. complaining of defective components if fishing co is convicted on all of his
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charges he could face more than twelve years in prison has led a spy scandal between america and russia are also coincided with the first us. and the gloves came off today with both mitt romney and barack obama tackling each other's policy proposals while funding their own more on the debate in just a few minutes. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the sun coming island is the island of minute on named after french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted to visit is no the speech risk place is open to tourists
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unique plants and animals are its top attraction. really has been exploring the deaths of the world sees for several decades but it's here at more your own island where he has finally found what he'd been looking for . the water here is very clear the visibility is very good and the underwater world here is extremely rich i've been to many diving locations across the planet including the island of bali on tops my list while some go to the cycling region to enjoy the sights others convert the island's nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight show hundreds of thousands of tons of fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious selman caviar and necessary attribute of anything in russia
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the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than a hundred million dollars net profit. and to a large extent this is old to do what cycling offers environmentally. operates only and natural habitat and mild climate unique natural sights and delicious seafood suck for a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe the question is whether this distant land would ever be able to become a major tourist destination. welcome back to our tea with me karen terrill well the first of three televised u.s. presidential election debates is now over with barack obama and mitt romney delivering
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a somewhat lackluster shell before hundreds of millions of viewers the themes tackled word jobs taxes and health care all close to the hearts of americans caught in stagnant economic times but the debate took on a more porous personal challenge the candidates deriding each other's policy proposals as i'm realistic or ineffective want such incidents all romney accusing obama of risking national security but kevin zeese director of the come home america groups says that on defense there's almost no distinction between the candidates. they're not very different at all you know president obama has been the drone commander in chief using these kill war we will drones and we could ever imagine george bush have done the star wars in the in a country like libya where there was no u.n. mandate no commercial who is that i was own here school either afghanistan. or you know the same thing is they're both taking you know nothing on the table as far as attacking iran they've all seen russia's obama's encircled them obama's also
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encircled china he's also increased their military presence the united states in africa of. all these military issues and they're both aggressors and for those of the u.s. military empire and i don't say you know one of them are coming back the military is going one. however u.s. historian gerald horan that says this debate is an example of how limited americans are over their choice of leader. unfortunately this debate is one reason why nowadays there are those who say that what we have in the end of states is not democracy but a mockery that is to say what happens then to states is that all the candidates of the left such as the green party are barred from this kind of presidential debate and as a result the kinds of policies that president obama has been acting that are subject to withering criticism from the left for example bailing out the banks but not
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bailing out homeowners for example this war against libya they were not able to be criticized adequately by his opponent mr romney and as a result you have a very very tepid debate that takes place how can you have a realistic debate about the problems that this country faces the many problems that this country faces bill one because analysis and the critique from the left are basically excluded basically this debate comes down in many ways to a choice between tweedle dum and tweedle dee in venezuela the country's two presidential candidates are into the home straight ahead of sunday's election incumbent hugo chavez and his opposition rival staged rallies on tuesday during the final week of campaigning for insight into the country's prospects i'm now joined live by adrian. international consultant and author thank you so much for joining us adrian now the child as a presidential campaign has been marred by an information storm against him in
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international media especially in the u.s. why is washington still came to see the back of the child this. above everything they are very concerned with hugo chavez says foreign policies which are being followed by venezuela where he has. asked the western powers notably the united states britain and israel such places as libya in such places as iraq syria and palestine where he has tried to close ranks with for example president will. visit to venezuela and he has taken a stance which is very highly respected throughout many of these of latin america showing that the united states. not just in the middle east but worldwide and not so much the countries that are attacked by the united states especially at a time when in two thousand and eight the united states has reactivated the fourth south atlantic fleet and they know how we have a very strong military presence throughout latin america in the south atlantic the
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presidential race certainly saw some so-called pro democracy and pro human rights protests very similar to the ones critics say are usually backed or even sponsored by the u.s. do you think washington is moving from words to actions here oh definitely just as they have engineered insurrection and civil war which seems to be washington's specialisation now with the so-called arab spring in the theater here in latin america or we will be seeing a latin american spring with different characteristics but where the united states will meddle in the internal affairs of countries like venezuela and they will even trigger and activate a generalized latin american spring which will be turmoil social unrest and even civil war that most of the polls still place child as ahead of his opposition rival but it had recovered as wins how is the country's course likely to change. it will be a disaster but it will be very much welcome by the united states and israel let us
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not forget that we could completely. heat is of the jewish community a community which in venezuela is www. very very tiny out of thirty million venezuelans there are only twelve thousand people members of the jewish community it is point zero five percent so we clearly see that he has very strong backing from international zionist organizations in the united states which are have positioned him in a position of strength however it is thought that the new zealand people are aware enough to the real mr chavez and not to elect this young upstart who is also directly involved he's been filmed involved in the two thousand and two who against mr chavis all listed by the united states moving to a more personal time very briefly we are running out of time what effect do you think this is a battle with cancer has had on his political future i think he's had a good effect because he has really been back he's a bit of
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a phoenix rising from his ashes and all that washington and london and so of you would have loved to see him pass away he's still there he's still going strong and hopefully he will be the next president of venezuela not just for his will or say but also for all of latin america from what else yes international consultant and author thank you every ounce of which. in the greek capital athens at least seventy shipyard workers have been detained after storming into the grounds of the defense ministry over one hundred employees who mainly deal with military contracts were demanding to meet ministry officials saying they hadn't been paid for months riot police were called in to haul them away prompting another rally at the police headquarters all this while you lenders are in greece to negotiate even more austerity years of cuts and tax hikes have already made some greek families question if they can afford to raise a family participate all of our reports on a charity trying to shield young people from the crisis. too
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young to understand why but on the front line. of the debt crisis rampant unemployment in greece and the slashing of social benefits has left their parents with money to provide even their most basic of needs for may seem unthinkable has happened these children being taken into care. for during the past two years we have seen a large rise in the number of children coming to us because their families can't support them as taxes and prices have risen things like food clothing schooling and housing have become too expensive. before the financial crisis this children's village which is run by the organization s.o.'s children usually looked after kids who'd been the victims of abuse now they say almost all new cases are as a result of the debt crisis this center privately funded through donations is also
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feeling the pinch. we've seen a significant drop off in donations people get what they can but that is getting worse and worse also we are taxed on what we receive making it more of a burden to buy things we moved like fuel for whom. the charity says there's been a seventy percent increase in requests for help this children's village is home to forty youngsters need to thessaloniki and is operating at close to maximum capacity i met one mother who asked not to be identified because of the stigma attached she says she was forced to give up her young daughter after losing her job. it was a non-food decision to have to make what could i do there was no money and no work i asked her if she thought they would ever be reunited as a family i know things are going from bad to worse here it could be ten years before greece is back feet s.o.'s children makes
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a point of trying to keep youngsters in contact with their biological parents for this family that means one emotional meeting once a month. organizations like this one of becoming increasingly important to help protect a generation of children from their families due to greece's financial failings. with the greek government facing having to make fresh cut of over ten billion euros the children's village expects to be receiving more pleas for help in the future for this mother and daughter the help they get allows them to appreciate the fleeting moments they can spend together all over greece. switching gears to financial matters now marina one of the highlights today hi karen well we know that world food prices rose one point four percent in the month of september and that was mainly due to higher prices and me as well as cereals and
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investors and europe in particular are focused on what the european central bank will have to say about its interest rate decision due out later today as we can see from the numbers investors are in the head of making any big decisions before that is revealed basically when it comes to the russian markets here it's still a sea of red as we've seen after the first hour of the trading session but the r.t.s. and the my stocks are set in over half a percent a slight volatility in oil prices also has had its effect of course and to mention . its first half now thirty eight percent and also russia has now decided to intervene into the grain market to lower the prices currencies the euro still strengthen against the u.s. dollar when it comes to the ruble still a mixed picture it's gaining to the greenback but losing to the euro and the latest those measures has done little to support the russian currency and we actually spoke to. who said what is needed to boost growth into the russian currency.
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so a lot of. what confuses you don't talk with refuse it. you know by the insistence of the well. you know for us all the super markets with us not know her. perpetrate the best known. for its ability but it was the problem from the get the cone. of the opportunity for some sort of zero balance you know. the. same with also one of the largest film makers in the country has announced that will buy an entire controlling interest in the i spot sky which is a russian producer of coking coal that's as well with its subsidiaries the deal could make it as the largest producer of coking coal in the country and the company's currently valued at around five point three billion dollars now also russia's engineering construction firms throw it has its first project in the
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arctic now it has won the time to build an oil terminal for gas from armand that's . obviously daily newspaper says the cost of the project could reach one billion dollars and may provide us with all the art that projects as well and the terminal is currently planned to be built by two thousand and fourteen and this is all we have time for this mission with some of the danica will be here with the next all right thank you very much marina more money matters coming up in the khans report that's in just a few moments. my
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